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Restituto Embuscado

Restituto Embuscado begins his art with a reality of life, and for that matter, history without end, In this regard, as far as cultural and historical sovereignty are concerned, Embuscado nationalistically considered himself as a Malayuan born artist. Embuscado's work infuriated the "Philippine" authorities when he scavenged the poor’s inseparable existence from a garbage of life. He protested, exposed and exhibited this inhumanity, both in his writing and art. His political-art exhibition in the Summer of 1992 was censored both by the government and the "National Museum." As a whole, Embuscado's work was filled with the historical vividness of a dissectional consciousness, in which its form and content were stimulated, dominated and outstripped by a logical force; and, strongly established a humanized act woven entirely, at the communal stages of their development, on a moral ground where diversity grows into the strings of compartmentality in art and culture.