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Zina Roitman

Zina Roitman (also known as Zina Rothman) was born on December 17, 1944 in the U.S.S.R. She lived in Moldavia where she graduated from high school in 1961. From 1961 to 1965, she studied in the Art Academy of Kishenev, taking courses in classical drawing, painting and graphics. Such artists as Vasarely, Matisse, Picasso, Chagall and many Japanese's artists influenced the young student's approach to art. In 1974, Zina Roitman immigrated to Israel. Her twelve years in the country were spent mastering aquarelle techniques and searching for new ways to express herself. One finds Zina Roitman's aquarelles painted in "dry" and "wet", in bright and pastel tones at numerous exhibitions in different Israeli galleries. From painting landscapes from life in the classical style, Zina turns to associative images mixed with lyrical dreams and mysticism.

The artist achieves harmony and aesthetic beauty through the wonderful feeling on the material she works with and the transparent clarity of her colors. Along with original works, she also tried her hand at graphic techniques. The most successful were those in serigraphs. Zina Roitman did all the graphical work herself. The drawings and sketches for the serigraphs (silk screen) were made in a special kind of gouache according to printing techniques.

Zina Roitman is a very talented and versatile artist. Her inner world, like that of any real artist, whether poet, musician or painter, can be discerned in her works, and this enables one to identify and pick them out from those of the other artists.